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Aims & Objectives

Aims of AN.A.E.TH. are:

A. The elevation of Greek culture, sustainable development of the region with respect to the environment and the special local building architecture. The promotion and consolidation of relations between the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula. The development activities in areas of cultural, spiritual, religious, scientific, artistic, economic, sporting, cultural. The development and elevation of solidarity, mutual and mutual benefit between people.

B. Within relating goals, emerge as the basic principles as follows: 
- Adherence to the Greek tradition, faith to our nation's teaching. 
- The candid consultation in all issues covering relations between people. 
- Maintaining peace in the Balkan Peninsula and in general in the world. 
- Respect for human rights of every ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural population group. 
- The popular initiative for the designation and promote legitimate ways and means and methods for acceptance of the ideals of Friendship and cooperation between people and the recognition and implementation of the purposes and principles of this statute by the governments of their countries. 
- Respect the environment and the unique architecture of Thassos.

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